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Investing: We’re not taught anything useful at school

By 8th June 2021December 4th, 2023.

Many women feel bad or full of woe
Because they wished they’d started investing a long time ago.
But how on earth would we know what do
When we are not taught anything useful about money or investing at school?!

Only in 2014 did financial education became part of the national curriculum
After a campaign from Martin Lewis of
But by 2020 many parents expressed the opini – on
That this area of education was still sadly lacking for their children.

With a financial education gaining the knowledge and confidence is the tricky part
But if we learn ourselves we can show others we love how to start
Please be reassured that it’s never too late
My Dad taught himself and started investing at the age of 58!

With an Investing Taster Class you can start small, start simple and start now
Giving you the principles of investing and the basic what, when and how
Investing in your financial education can be simple, fun and jargon free
For £25 plus a small booking fee.