While there are far fewer female investors then men
Only 20% of women versus 33% of them.
A study in 2018 by Warwick Business School
Showed that women beat men by 1.8%, which when compounded away – is really cool!
The reasons for this, they explained, are threefold
Women are more risk aware while men are more ‘bold’.
Women buy and hold their investments rather than trade i.e. buy and sell
Men lose the most trading when stock markets are not doing at all well.
Women also spread their risk and diversify
Across a range of sectors and regions: a broader wealth pie.
They invest for the long term with specific goals and purposes in mind
For themselves, their families and what they can leave behind.
Where women get stuck is that we want to understand it all before we begin
This is challenging and bamboozling with all the jargon and acronym(s).
But by reading this I hope you can see
That gaining a financial education can be simple, fun and jargon free!